Living with MS

Become your own expert

On average, one person every five minutes is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis worldwide.1 For those affected and their families, it is first and foremost a shock with many unanswered questions.

The course and signs of the disease vary considerably from patient to patient. This is why MS is also called the "disease of a thousand faces". The lives of those affected are as diverse as the disease itself. Behind every MS is a person with a story. Every person with MS has their own life experiences with MS which can inspire and encourage others.

Living with a chronic illness is challenging. But you'll soon find out: there are plenty of touchpoints, support offers, and modern therapies that will help you go your own way.

Watch the following video to find out how Christina copes with MS in her daily life.

Christina has found her own way with MS and she doesn't have to go it alone. She finds support not only from her family, but also from other organisations.



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Ihre Symptome erfassen

Your MS Questionnaire

1. Atlas of MS 3rd edition MS International Federation, (last accessed 26.04.2024).